Edimax Technology Edimax Wireless LAN Cardbus Adapter User Manual

Page 26

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Spe cify a u ser name fo r inne r PEAP tunnel authen tication:

Chec k

Use Windows Use r Name

to u se the Windo ws u ser name a s the PEAP

u ser name.

O R: Ente r a PEAP u se r name in the User Name field to u se a sepa rat e u se r
name and start the PEAP authenti cation p ro ce ss.


Cli c k

Advan ced

and :

Lea ve the se rver name field blan k fo r the client to a ccep t a ce rtifica te f rom
an y se rve r with a ce rtifica te signed by the au tho rity li sted in the Ne twork
Ce rtificat e Autho rit y d rop -do wn li st . (rec om mende d)

En ter the domain n ame of the serve r f rom which the client will accep t a
c ertificate .

The login name u sed fo r PEAP tunnel aut hentica tion, fill s in au tomatically a s
PE AP -x xx xx xx xx xx x, whe re xx xx xx xx xx xx i s the compute r' s MA C
add re ss. Change t he login name if ne eded.


Cli c k




Enable the p rofile.