Need effective, universal training materials, Receive these free materials, Our training modules include – Retrotec Spec-ENERGY STAR Requirements User Manual

Page 4: Courses available

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Residential Pressure Measurement

Learn the basics of both the DG-700 and DM-2 pressure gauges, and

how to use a gauge to perform common tests. This also teaches some

of the essentials of pressure measurement and the science behind how

a pressure gauge works.

Learn the basics of both the DG-700 and DM-2 pressure gauges and

avoid most problems. This course teaches the essentials of pressure

measurement science and all the tricks of the trade from

an industry veteran.

Residential Duct Leakage Measurement

Learn to perform different types of duct tests and to interpret the results

displayed on the gauge.

Residential Air Leakage Measurement

Concise, clearly described building science allows the trainee to

understand what is going on in the home. This is coupled with an equally

clear understanding of how the equipment works so that application

becomes intuitive.

Receive these free materials:

Retrotec has donated our air leakage training to Building Pressure,

a non-profit building diagnostics training resource organization.
Get them free online at

For a free DVD training package, containing universal quick guides
and manuals, email [email protected]

Are these spaces

inside or outside?

Air barrier

The air barrier is typically not the exterior boundary of a house.

Pressure changes occur across the air barrier, which separates “outdoors”

from “indoors”, so inside and outside can be confusing terms.


Flex duct

Flex duct


Image Courtesy of Retrotec Inc

Image Courtesy of The Energy Conservatory

Need Effective, Universal Training Materials?

Quality training materials that support trainers and help trainees retain information save training time. Retrotec has created

un-biased, media-rich training materials that support your program and prepare trainees for any equipment they use in the field.

Our training modules include:

● Embedded demonstration videos, giving trainers a break and trainees hands-on information

● PowerPoint slides, enhanced with clear diagrams and photo concept illustration

● Key point repetition with concise text to prevent overload

● Separate guides for trainers to supplement the slides

Courses Available: