Epson Bocs User Manual
Page 8

Installing the SuperCombiner
What’s on the Remote?
Those Needing a Little Explanation
1. Xtender Channel Activity Lights – blink when you send a command to one of the devices
connected to Xtender. For instance if you press the Red BOCS channel button, then push play
the red light flashes letting you know that the play command went to the Red channel.
2. Xtender Channel Buttons – The three new channels in your home – press RED to watch and
control whatever is plugged into the Red input on Xtender (same for GREEN & BLUE)
3. Menu – the DVD, DVR, or TiVo menu command, depending on what you are controlling
4. Info/ “A” –push shift/info for “A”, a button common for cable boxes
13. Stop/Slow – For most DVD players this is “Stop”, but many DVRs (Like TiVo DVRs) do not
commonly have a Stop button so in those cases, this becomes the “Slow Play” button
14. Replay – typically makes a DVR go back about 15 seconds and play a clip again. For DVD it
skips backward and if you push Shift first it is the “PIP” or Picture-in-Picture button
15. +100 – Shift-1 gives the +100 command, sometimes used to get to channels that are >100
18. Power – In general, this button turns your TV on and off. If this is pressed within 10 seconds
of pressing a BOCS channel button, it powers on/off the device plugged into that Xtender
channel (if the DVD player on the Red channel is off – just press Red and Power within 10
seconds). Press Shift-Power to power-down the Xtender system (so any Cable or Antenna
channels that you cannot watch when Xtender is on are now visible). A double flash indicates
programming success, a fast flash indicates programming error, and an alternating Power and
Xtender Channel lights (Red/Green/Blue) indicates remote is out of range of Xtender.
19. Local TV – After watching a BOCS channel, pressing this button returns you to watching
normal Cable/Antenna through your local TV. So you know you are back to local control, the
remote automatically tunes to the “Favorite TV channel” (see programming your remote).
34. AUX – Any set of codes can be programmed into this mode button but it is most commonly
used for an audio receiver. Note that if you use a separate receiver to listen to your TV you
can make the VOL+/- button always send volume commands to the AUX device instead of
directly to the TV by following the “Punch Through” procedure in “Setting Up the Remote”
Xtender Channel Activity Lights 1
Xtender Channel Buttons 2
Menu 3
Info and “A” 4
Exit and “C” 5
Mute 6
Up 7
Left 8
Down 9
Vol +/- 10
Play 11
Rewind 12
Stop/Slow 13
Replay and “PIP” 14
+100 15
Number Keypad 16
Del/Clear 17
18. Power
19. Local
20. Live
21. Guide
22. Last and “D”
23. Shift
24. Right
25. Select/OK
26. Channel
27. Fast
28. Pause
29. Skip
30. Record
31. Enter
32. Cable/Satellite
33. DVD/VCR/Laser
34. AUX