Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch SecureTouch User Manual
Page 96

I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e
DPMS™-Display Power Management Signaling standard. VESA®
which ensures that monitor and video manufacturers produce power saving
products that work together.
DQ-DAF-Double-Quadruple Dynamic Astigmatism and Focus. The basic
technology of the DQ-DAF is the same as the DAF. The DQ-DAF has two sets
of quadruple lenses in addition to the main focus lens. This provides separate
horizontal and vertical focusing, and thus greater focal compensation than the
standard DAF. This greater focal control gives a finer image and minimal
Drift-See swim.
Electron Gun-Located at the narrow end of the CRT, the electron gun shoots
electron beams at colored phosphor dots to form the image on a monitor.
Flicker- Unsteadiness of the image caused by low refresh rate.
Frequency-Defines the number of events during a time period. Hertz (Hz) is a
measurement of frequency.
Graphics Mode-A scanning mode in which greater number of dots, that form
an image, are displayed with various colors and patterns.
Hertz-(Hz)-A unit used to measure frequency. It is defined as numbers of
events per second. 1 Hz=1 cycle per second.
Horizontal Scanning-The movement an electron beam traces across horizontal
phosphor dots on the CRT.
Horizontal Scanning Frequency-The rate in kHz of how many times an
electron beam traces across horizontal lines of phosphor dots in one second,
“painting” the image. Monitors with higher horizontal rates can run higher
Interlaced Scanning Mode-A scheme that takes two passes to paint an on
screen image, painting every other line on the first pass and sequentially filling
in the rest of the line on the second pass. This scheme usually causes flicker.
Interlacing-See Interlaced Scanning Mode.