Installing the controller – Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch SecureTouch User Manual
Page 33

During the spacer selection process, you may have to install the CRT with the
touchscreen attached in the bezel several times. To prevent the CRT from
dislodging the spacers, temporarily insert plastic tie wraps or toothpicks as
guides in the mounting post holes. After selecting the correct spacers, discard
the guides and fix the spacers more securely in place with the adhesive
"doughnuts" provided in the Touchscreen Installation Kit.
When spacers for the desired gap have been selected, install the CRT. Make
sure you have previously reinstalled the degaussing coil. Select a screw that is
long enough to compensate for the spacer thickness (provides at least three full
turns into the mounting post threads) but not so long as to penetrate the surface
of the bezel. Over-tightening the screws may strip or split the mounting posts.
Installing the Controller
Elo offers IntelliTouch USB or serial (RS-232) controllers which are typically
installed internal to the display.
Before installing an IntelliTouch controller, you need to ensure the following
design conditions:
• Ensure there is space for the controller and the cable headers.
Note that cable routing may contribute to noise and crosstalk. Make sure
the controller is placed away from voltage sources.
• Ensure there is space for an internal DC-to-DC converter or AC power
supply if either is required.
• Verify power source and check specs for adequate power. The 2500
controllers use +5V@60 mA ±5% regulated.
• Ensure sufficient electromagnetic Interference (EMI) suppression. Installing
a touchscreen and controller will affect the EMI characteristics of the display.
Ensure sufficient heat dissipation. The IntelliTouch serial controller dissipates some heat
(less than 1 watt). A typical power supply, if required, may dissipate several watts more.
This places an additional load on the cooling system of the display. The available
locations to mount a controller and power supply may also affect the cooling system of
the display. Only applicable if you are not using AC-to-DC power supply.
• Ensure controller can be mounted securely to metal bracket and grounded.
Ground at least one mounting hole, but for best EMI characteristics,
ground all four mounting holes.