Installing the controller, Internal serial controller (2500s) – Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch SecureTouch User Manual

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I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e

Installing the Controller

Internal Serial Controller (2500S)

The mounting holes of the IntelliTouch serial controllers are sized for
0.156-inch (4mm) snap-in standoffs. All IntelliTouch touchscreens have a cable
termination that mates directly with the male header (P3) on the controller. See
Appendix B for specific mounting dimensions and connections.

Figure 2.10

2500S Internal Serial Controller

Follow these steps to install an IntelliTouch serial controller:


Evaluate the monitor for proper positioning of the controller. Make sure there
is sufficient space for cable headers. Also choose a location that allows the
cables to be installed with adequate slack, and provides for easy access
during installation.


If possible, mount the controller directly to the metal chassis using No. 6
sheet metal screws and spacers provided in the controller mounting kit. If you
must mount to a location other than the metal chassis, or if you intend to use
adhesive base snap-in standoffs, you must ground the controller through the
use of pin 8 on connector P4 of the controller.


Attach the touchscreen cable to connector P3 of the controller, and secure it
with a small amount of glue.


Take up the excess cable with zip ties and secure.


It is recommended taht at least one of the controller’s mounting holes be attached via a
screw nut combination to insure hold.