Lcd integration, Safety information – Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch SecureTouch User Manual
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I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e
LCD Integration
This section outlines the procedures for installing touchscreen components that
will convert your monitor into a touchmonitor. Details are given on mounting
the touchscreen, controller, and connecting cables.
Safety Information
The touchscreen installation procedure outlined in this chapter may require exposure to
high-voltage components and handling of the LCD. This procedure can be dangerous
and an accident is potentially lethal. Therefore, the procedure should only be performed
by a qualified person. Read this entire chapter before attempting a touchscreen
Follow the procedure carefully, work with the power off and the unit unplugged, observe
all warnings, and wear protective clothing. Elo is not liable for damage or injury resulting
from the users actions.
Consider purchasing a touchmonitor from Elo if you do not have previous
experience working with touchscreens and disassembling displays. Elo also
offers touchscreen installation services in quantity for a variety of displays or
can recommend third-party integrators in your area.