Maintenance / cleaning / storage, About disposal, Wind forces – Crivit Sports Stunt Kite User Manual

Page 32

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Moderate wind
4 Bft; 19.7-28.5km/h; 10.6-15.5 knots
– Twigs move
– Smaller waves, some whitecaps
– Better for medium sized kites
Fresh wind
5 Bft; 28.6-38.8km/h; 15.6-20.9 knots
– Smaller trees and large branches are bending
– Moderate waves, many whitecaps
– Large kites could be damaged
Strong wind
6 Bft; 38.9-49.8km/h; 21.0-26.9 knots
– Large twigs move, whooshing wind
– Large waves
– Limit for all rigid kites
Storm (the parafoil kite is not suitable
for these conditions)
7 Bft; 49.9-61.8km/h; 27.0-33.3 knots
– Trees are moving
– Giant waves, lots of foaming
– Only power kites with experienced pilots

Maintenance / Cleaning /

Routinely check your parafoil kite and the flying
lines for damage and if applicable discontinue
use until the parafoil kite has been repaired.
Use a damp sponge to remove any dirt. Do not
use harsh cleaners. Store the dry parafoil kite in
a dry and dark location.

About disposal

Dispose of the parafoil kite through a permitted
waste disposal service or your municipal waste
management. Be sure to observe applicable
local ordinances. When in doubt contact your
waste management facilities for environmentally
friendly disposal.

Wind Forces

Bft = Beaufort

0 Bft; 0-0.8km/h; 0-0.5 knots
– Smoke from chimneys rises straight up
– Lakes are smooth as glass
– Kites only fly with support
Light breeze
1 Bft; 0.9-5.5km/h; 0.6-3.0 knots
– Smoke rising from chimneys moves
– Surface of waters moves slightly
– Only suitable for super light kites
Light wind
2 Bft; 5.6-12.1km/h; 3.1-6.5 knots
– Rustling leaves, wind can be felt against the skin
– Small, comb-shaped waves
– Good wind for experienced pilot
Gentle wind
3 Bft; 12.2-19.6km/h; 6.6-10.5 knots
– Smaller branches move
– Larger comb-shaped waves which start to break
– Great wind for beginners