6general information about flying parafoil kites – Crivit LM-1419 User Manual
Page 6
General Information about
Flying Parafoil Kites
Introduction to parafoil kites
Parafoil kites are kites without spars which develop a flight shape similar
to paragliders in air stream. Since they consist only of fabric and lines
they fold to a small size and can easily be packed for air travel. Parafoil
kits haven upper and lower sail with connectors to give them a wing sha-
pe. These cells either all or some feature an opening on the inflow side.
The cells themselves are interconnected so that pressure differences can
be balanced inside. When air streams into the front edge the cells fill with
back pressure higher than the pressures on the outer surface. This stabilises
the shape of the kite. The lift generated by the low pressure on the top face
is deflected from the lower side onto the two flying lines through a complex
bridle of lines.
Wind Window (Fig. 1)
A parafoil kite is flown in the so-called wind window. The pilot stands with
his back downwind, the wind window in front of the pilot. Depending on
the wind force the wind window is so to speak a large quarter round.
The parafoil kite can’t be flown outside of this wind window as the air cells
would not be filled with sufficient air stream.
Power Zone (Fig. 1)
At the centre of the wind window is the so-called power zone. In this area
straight ahead of the pilot the strongest air stream should be expected.
Fig. 1
A: direction of wind
B: power