Installation and wiring – Electro-Voice EVID User Manual

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The EVID™ mounting system has been

designed so that, if necessary, the installation can

be done from beneath the ceiling. In some cases

with a suspended ceiling grid, however, it may

be easier to access from both the top and bot-

tom of the ceiling tile during the installation

process.Typical installation hardware needed for

either suspended ceilings or sheetrock ceilings is

included.The ceiling speaker assembly is held in

place by mounting tabs that securely grip the

ceiling material. Input wiring is attached to a

removable terminal block connector that can be

pre-wired if necessary before speaker installation

to speed up the installation process.


For most installations, no additional hardware is

needed. However, a two-step installation proce-

dure that is sometimes used for installation into

sheetrock ceilings can be made easier by the

use of the optional RR and RPK series of rough-

in accessories before the ceiling material is

installed.The rough-in accessories provide a

cutout guide when many holes are to be made

in a production-line style installation and to

ensure the speakers are positioned correctly as

the holes are cut in the sheetrock. Depending

on the requirements, two types of rough-in

accessories are available.

RR Series Mounting Plates

RR series plates are made of flat sheet metal with

holes to attach to the joists or trusses of a build-

ing structure.The holes are drilled for nails or

screws at 16 inches (406 mm), 20 inches (508

mm) and 24 inches (610 mm) on-center.The

installer can drill other holes as needed up to a

maximum of 24-3/4 inches (630 mm) apart.The

sheetrock installs over the plate, and the plate pro-

vides a template for a blind cutout of the hole in

the sheet rock.The ceiling material is generally

cut with a router-type cutting tool, using the plate

ring as a cutout guide.The mounting plate is illus-

trated in Figure 4.

RPK Series Kits

The RPK series rough-in kit contains a RR series

plate with a standard 2 gang electrical box

mounted on the top with an attached short

length of flexible conduit which connects to the

ceiling speaker conduit clamp on the speaker’s

rear terminal cover.This accessory allows for rigid

conduit to be run to the box on the rough-in

plate before the speaker or any sheetrock is

installed.After the sheetrock is installed the speak-

er can be wired up and mounted all from below

the ceiling.The RPK mount system is shown in

Figure 5.


Because of their high performance, EVID ceiling

loudspeakers can generate substantial vibration,

which can cause buzzing in loose sections of

the ceiling structure. Depending on the charac-

ter of the ceiling tile and related components,

dampening material may need to be used under

the tile rails or the edges of the tiles to eliminate



EVID™ Ceiling Series Installation and Operation Manual

Installation and Wiring

Figure 4: Speaker mounting plate

Figure 5: RPK mounting system