K defining the expression – Casio ALGEBRA FX 2.0 Computer Algebra System and Tutorial Modes User Manual

Page 23

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k Defining the Expression

In this step, you specify coefficients and define the expression. You can select any of the
three following methods for specifying coefficients.

• {RAND} ... {random generation of coefficients}

• {INPUT} ... {key input of coefficients}

• {SMPL} ... {selection of coefficients from samples}

• {SEED} ... {selection of a number from 1 to 99 (specification of the same number

displays the same expression)}

1(RAND) or w generates random coefficients and defines the expression.

2(INPUT) displays the coefficient input screen. Input coefficients, pressing w after each.
After you finish inputting all the coefficients, press 6(EXE) to define the coefficient.

3(SMPL) displays a number of preset sample expressions. Highlight the one you want to
use and then press w to define it.

Pressing4(SEED) displays a number selection screen. When you want to create the same
problem on another calculator, specify an appropriate matching number and press w.

No matter what method you use, the expression you define is displayed in the output area.

You can copy an expression to the Graph Mode as a graph function*



• {L


COP} ... copy {left side element}/{right side element} as a graph function

(Simultaneous Equation Mode*



• {1


COP} ... copy {first}/{second} expression as a graph function


Tutorial Mode



In the case of an inequality, the inequality
symbols are also copied.



Simultaneous equations are transformed to the
format Y = AX + B when copied.