Electrolux Fryer User Manual

Page 17

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e a s y c l e a n i n g thanks to cooking chamber
with rounded corners and anti-tilt removable
door fitted with pressurestat safety device
to prevent the door from being opened while
pressurised steam is in the chamber.

s a f e t y v a l v e , w h i c h e l i m i n a t e s e x c e s s i v e
pressure, guarantees total operating safety.
a u t o m a t i c i g n i t i o n , c o n t r o l l e d b y a p u s h
button with visual indicator, pressure gauge,
acoustic alarm and generator shut off device.

S t e a m c o o k i n g p r e s e r v e s t h e f o o d
nutrients without transferring odours and
flavours between different types of foods.

industrial cooking ING 2-02-2005 14:53 Pagina 15