Emotiva XPA-1 User Manual
Page 8

Thank You for your Purchase
We’re happy you chose Emotiva Audio! We believe our products set a new standard for performance and value.
Emotiva amplifiers are designed for maximum performance, ease of use, and simple installation. Our experienced engineers
use practical, proven designs, along with innovative ideas to create amplifiers that will easily power your speakers at any level
while remaining as efficient as possible. Enjoy audio and video sources without concern for dynamic headroom during
complex musical passages and high‐level effects – and with a sound quality that will satisfy the most discriminating listener.
Our amplifiers are built for decades of reliable use, with a full five year warranty on all parts and labor. Our staff is a phone
call away, ready to assist you if needed. We stand behind our products 100 percent, and we know that earning your trust and
patronage depends on our continuing commitment to excellence in every way.
Emotiva started with an idea – the idea of audio enthusiasts building gear that satisfied their own high standards, and sharing
it with fellow enthusiasts, with no one in the middle. Just the best possible gear at the best possible prices, direct to you.
We wish you many hours of enjoyment with your Emotiva purchase. Welcome to the family!
Dan Laufman,
President, Emotiva Audio Corporation