Aintenance – Jordan Valve Mark EW Series Globe Style Панель управления User Manual
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Internal valve components are subject to normal deterio-
ration and must be inspected and replaced as required.
The necessity of inspections and replacement of parts
will depend on the severity of service conditions. Inspec-
tions and maintenance must be carried out on a regu-
larly scheduled basis.
To ensure the safety of personnel and to protect against
property damage, the following steps should be carried
out before beginning disassembly.
To prevent the valve from opening suddenly,
disconnect any operating lines to the actuator.
This would include air pressure, electrical power
or control signal lines.
Isolate the valve by using the bypass valve or by
shutting down the process completely. Relieve
the pressure and drain the process fluid
from both sides of the valve.
Relieve the pressure contained in the actuator
by venting the actuator loading pressure
and relieving any power actuator spring
Lock-out procedures should be strictly adhered
to while the equipment is being serviced.
Also, anytime that a gasket seal is removed or disturbed,
a new gasket should be installed during reassembly,
ensuring a proper seal.
The following instructions include packing maintenance,
trim replacement and lapping of metal seats.
Packing Maintenance
This section provides instruction for maintenance of TFE
V-Ring packing. If your Jordan Valve Mark EWD, EWS
or EWT Control Valve uses graphite laminate or fila-
ment packing, refer to the appropriate manuals. Refer to
Figure 2 for appropriate key numbers unless otherwise
For packing that is spring-loaded single TFE V-ring
packing, a sealing force is maintained by the spring
(Figure 1, Key 5). If leakage around the packing follower
(Figure 1, Key 3) is detected, tighten the packing flange
nuts (Figure 1, Key 16). If this does not stop the leakage,
refer to the Replacing Packing section of this manual.
With packing that is other than spring-loaded, unwanted
leaking can be limited by tightening the packing flange
nuts to create a stem seal.
If leakage occurs from the inside diameter of the pack-
ing, and tightening the flange nuts does not stop the
leaking, the valve stem may be worn or nicked. If the
leakage originates from the outside diameter of the
packing, the leakage may be caused by nicks and
scratches around the packing box wall. While perform-
ing the following procedures, carefully inspect the valve
stem and packing box wall for imperfections.
Adding Packing Rings
If using packing with a lantern ring (Figure 1, Key 5),
packing rings may be installed above the lantern ring as
a temporary measure, which does not involve removing
the actuator from the valve body.
Remove the packing flange nuts (Figure 2, Key
16) and lift the packing flange and follower (Fig
ure 2, Keys 20 and 3) away from the valve body.
Old packing rings that have been installed on
top of the lantern ring may be removed,
but use caution to avoid any damage to the
valve stem or packing box wall. All metal parts
should be cleaned to remove any grit that would
prevent the packing from creating a seal.
If split-ring packing is being used, spread the
rings over the valve stem and slide them into the
packing box.
If solid-ring packing is used, take off the stem
connector and slip the rings over the end of the
valve stem.