Valve seats, Thermal system – Jordan Valve Mark 82 Series – Internal Piloted Temperature Regulator User Manual

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Valve Seats

A. Disassembly

The valve seats of all Jordan regulators are
lapped to a light band fl atness. Maintaining such
tolerances is of great importance for your assur-
ance of excellent control and tight shut-off. Do
not use metallic objects in removing the seats.
Care in handling is important. Improper handling
will result in leakage or improper control upon

Close shut-off valve on each side of the regulator.


Remove the control valve from the line.


Note the scribe line on the side of the valve body


and cap. Secure the outlet body hex (6) in a vise.
Remove inlet pilot tube (25). Remove the cap screws
(28) and lift the cap (7) straight up. Please note that
there is an index pin secured in the valve cap that
fi ts into the index pin hole in the valve plate (2). This
index ping is on the same side as the scribe line on
the valve cap and body, and it positions the valve
plate in the valve body.
Before removing, check the valve disc (1) for a


stamped arrow. This arrow points to the scribed
line and the index pin hole in the valve plate. Since
the disc can be rotated 180° in some sizes without
affecting stroke adjustment, there may be no arrow
on the valve disc. Remove the valve disc and place
on bench with the lapped surface up.
A light tapping on the valve body is normally suf-


fi cient to loosen the pressure rings (8). Invert the
valve body while holding the pressure ring and plate
in place; then slowly let them drop out of the body
into your hand.
Clean all the parts of the body and cap with solvent.


The valve disc and plate then may be cleaned. Place
a piece of 4/0 polishing paper or jeweler’s cloth on a
smooth, fl at surface such as a surface plate and pol-
ish the lapped seating surfaces using a fi gure eight
motion. If the parts are scarred, do not attempt to
re-lap them, but return them to the factory for repair
or replacement. If the seats are not scarred deeply,
they can be repaired many times at nominal cost.
The vertical milled sections of the valve cap serve as


a guide for the disc while stroking. A 0.005 feeler
gauge should be used to check the clearance be-
tween the valve disc and the disc guides. To do so,
place the valve disc in the cap with the lapped sur-
faces facing upward and check this clearance. If the
clearance is less than 0.005, clean the disc guides
with a smooth fi le.

B. Reassembly

Replace the valve plate. In replacing, make certain


that the index pin hole is on the same side as the

scribe line on the valve body. Align the disc pin so
that it is centered in the body bore and protrudes
upward through the slot in the plate.
In replacing the valve disc, the stamped arrow


should be pointing to the scribe line on the valve
body. Place the valve disc on the valve plate, engag-
ing the disc pin.
If necessary, heat (or cool) the sensing bulb to open


the pilot valve.
To check the stroke adjustment, blow air into the


inlet pilot connection. The main valve will stroke to
the open position, and the orifi ces should be open
and in perfect alignment. If they are not, an adjust-
ment is required.
To obtain the proper adjustment, remove the valve


plate and disc from the valve body and loosen the
stem locknut (18). Adjustment is obtained by rotat-
ing the disc pin (4) on the valve stem.
When this preliminary adjustment is obtained, lock


the valve stem locknut while holding the disc pin
with an open end wrench.
Now rotate the disc pin so that the valve plate and


disc can be positioned in the valve body.
Insert the valve plate and disc in the body bore, us-


ing the same precautions as outlined above.
The seats will be in the closed position. To check


the adjustment again, blow air into the inlet pilot
connection to open the valve. Check the alignment
of the orifi ces.
If orifi ces do not line up properly, further adjustment


will be required.
Place the plate and disc into the body bore followed


by the pressure ring (8).
Note that the pressure ring (8) has one lapped sur-


face. In replacing the pressure ring, make certain
that the lapped surface faces the valve plate.
In replacing the valve cap (7), note that the scribe


line on the valve cap and the valve body must be in
alignment. Use care to make certain the disc guides
and the index pin are properly aligned with the valve
disc and the index pin hole in the valve plate. Nor-
mally, a slight rotation of the valve cap is suffi cient to
obtain proper alignment.
Replace the cap screws and tighten uniformly, being


careful not to torque excessively.
Replace inlet pilot tube (25).


Thermal System

The thermal system is a hermetically sealed unit


consisting of a sensing bulb, capillary tubing, pro-
tective armor, and actuator assembly. This unit con-
tains the thermostatic charge that operates the TCV.
Please do not tamper with it. In case the charge is
lost, the thermal system must be replaced as a com-
plete unit. It is not repairable in the fi eld and must
be replaced or returned to the factory for repairs.
The thermal system is easily removed in the fi eld
