iSys V36 User Manual

Page 33

background image

Example: To send a plot that is rastered to 200 bytes/scan, send the following
6 byte header before each and every scan of 200 bytes:

1B, 2A, 72, 00, C8, 01

00C8 hex = 200 decimal

For a plot consisting of 1776 bytes/scan, send

1B, 2A, 72, 06, F0, 01

06F0 hex = 1776 decimal

Other commands that can be sent to the V36 Centronics adapter:

1B, 41

remote clear

1B, 42

remote line terminate

1B, 43

remote end of transmission

1B, 44

remote form feed

1B, 45

remote reset

The V36 plotter also obeys standard control characters which must be sent
when the plotter is in print mode:


end of transmission


line feed


form feed

NOTE: Print mode on the V36 means that all bytes that are received by the
plotter are interpreted as ASCII characters and printed at 444 characters per