Hongdian H8922 Dual SIM Single Module User Manual
Page 105

H8922 3G/4G Router
5 Router config
Version (2014-05-28)
5 -69
To select authentication
Select from Dropdown List,
presently only “PSK” supported
Pre Share Key
To set pre share key
Max 24 letters
Self Identify
To set the self ID of IPSec
To input the ID, need to match the
ID of other side
Match Identify
To input the match ID of IPSec
To input match ID, need to match
ID of other side
IKE Lifetime
Life time of IKE key
Value area: 120~86400
Unit: second
Group Name
Select group
Select from Dropdown List
DPD Service
To enable DPD service
To click “Enable”
DPD Delay
To set DPD check interval time
Manual input
Value area : 1~512
Unit: second
DPD Retry
Max times to continuous DPD
check failure.
Manual input
Value area: 1~512
Single click “save” icon to finish phase 1 configuration.
Phase 2 parameter.
In above parameters, “Initial Mode”, “Encrypt”, “Hash”, “Authentication” “Pre Share Key”,
“IKE Lifetime”, “Group Name” need to match parameter of IPSec server. “Self Identify” and
“Match Identify” needs to match “match Identify” and “Self Identify” of IPSec sever