Step 4: joining machines to the new domain, For each dnp workstation, Step 4 – Grass Valley NAS Security Instruction Guide v.5.1A User Manual

Page 35: Joining machines to the new domain, Step

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Digital News Production




Joining Machines to the New Domain

Once you’ve set up the Domain Controller, you need to join each computer in
your newsroom network to the new domain. Computers in the DNP system are
one of two types of Windows machines—DNP workstations run Windows 2000
Professional or Windows XP Professional system software, and the NAS Server
runs Linux. Follow the instructions below for each type of computer in your
NAS system.

For Each DNP Workstation

To join a DNP workstation computer to the new domain:

1. If you’re using the new domain controller as a DNS server, make sure that

the DNS configuration for each machine’s ethernet connection has the new
Domain Controller as its priority DNS Server.

2. Right-click on My Computer and select



3. Select the Network Identification tab and click



4. Click Domain and type


as the domain name.

5. Click



6. Enter the domain name and password for the domain tree root and click



7. At the Welcome message, click



8. Reboot the computer.