Grass Valley GV STRATUS v.3.1 User Manual
Gv stratus, Media workflow application framework
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Overview of the GV STRATUS application
- About the GV STRATUS product
- Logging on
- About the GV STRATUS application
- About customizing the application workspace
- Arranging control tray buttons
- Viewing the application window in full screen
- The Navigator panel
- The Asset List panel
- The Inspector panel
- About GV STRATUS tools
- The Send Message tool
- The Web Monitor
- The Dashboard tool
- Previewing a live streaming video
- Quick Start Screencasts
- Managing assets
- Using the Explore section
- About the GV STRATUS Assets view
- Browsing assets
- Asset indicators
- Adding a favorite
- Removing or deleting a favorite
- Managing Asset Lists
- About view modes
- Customizing the display of list items
- Sorting a list view
- Adding and removing columns in a list
- Opening multiple Asset List panels
- To compare multiple Asset List panels
- Managing multiple tabs in a panel
- Locking an asset using Inspector
- Locking multiple assets in Asset List
- Filtering assets
- Deleting assets
- Searching assets
- About searches
- Searching assets with the Simple Search tool
- About advanced query syntax, advanced searches and custom expressions
- Searching assets with the advanced search tool
- Determining the location of a search result asset
- Search constraints and considerations
- Stopping a search or stopping refreshing a bin
- Saving searches
- Using a saved search
- Creating bins and groups
- Asset copies and deletions
- Viewing a video asset
- Sending video asset to the next display monitor
- Access to multiple GV STRATUS sites
- Adding or modifying metadata
- Printing asset metadata
- Using custom metadata in Inspector
- Reordering properties in Inspector
- Viewing relationships
- Viewing the properties of an item
- Verifying proxy association
- Regenerating proxy
- Ingesting assets
- The Scheduler tool
- Scheduler buttons
- About view modes
- Event status colors
- Adding an event
- Adding an event using Quick Schedule
- Adding a recurring event
- Adding a backup event
- Adding a channel reservation
- Starting a crash record event
- Locating an event
- Modifying an event
- Viewing and modifying metadata of events
- Extending an event
- Moving an event
- Deleting an event
- Deleting a recurring event
- Previewing an event
- Creating a template
- The RMI tool
- The Scheduler tool
- Working with K2 channels
- The Channel Panel tool
- Configuring Channel Panel User Preferences
- Creating a Channel Panel
- Launching and closing a Channel Panel
- Modifying a Channel Panel while in use
- Resizing channels and gangs
- Modifying a Channel Panel configuration
- Copying a Channel Panel configuration
- About recording clips in a Channel Panel
- Recording on a single channel using crash record
- Recording on a single channel using new clip
- Recording on ganged channels using crash record
- Recording on ganged channels using new clip
- Recording on an individual channel in a gang using crash record
- Recording on an individual channel in a gang using new clip
- Recording on ChannelFlex channels
- About playing clips in a Channel Panel
- Controlling an individual channel in a gang
- Locating a loaded clip or playlist
- About salvos
- Configure router settings in Channel Panel
- The Playlist Editor tool
- About keyboard shortcuts and input focus in a Channel Panel
- Modifying the clip name in a Channel Panel
- Loading an asset into the Inspector from a Channel Panel
- Using the scrub bar to navigate through a clip
- Identifying and selecting the timecode type
- Selecting timecode type to navigate and mark clips
- Channel panel markers
- Hiding transport controls
- Managing Channel Panel configurations
- Channel status indicators
- Reconnecting to a K2 system
- Importing, Exporting, and Transferring
- About importing, exporting, and transferring
- Creating an export share
- Importing files to a Grass Valley system
- Exporting assets from a K2 Summit system
- Transferring assets from one bin to another
- Transferring using Send Destination
- Sending assets for playout
- Monitoring imports, exports, or transfers
- Conforming a complex asset to a simple clip
- About archiving assets
- About restoring assets
- Editing
- The Storyboard Editor tool
- The Source Viewer
- Using mark-in and mark-out points
- Create a subclip
- Trimming a clip in Inspector
- Adding keywords
- Adding markers
- Navigating to keywords or markers in an asset
- The Storyboard
- The Sequence Viewer
- Creating a sequence
- Editing an event
- Splitting an event
- Using a keyword to add an event to a sequence
- Adding and removing transitions
- Rearranging or deleting events in a sequence
- Playing a sequence
- Launching a sequence in the EDIUS XS application
- Viewing the properties of an item
- Using the GV STRATUS application in EDIUS XS
- Using the GV STRATUS application in Adobe® Premiere® Pro
- Logging assets
- The Advanced Logging tool
- The Button Panel
- The Log Panel
- Adding a Logging Tool
- Adding Button Panels
- Adding logging buttons to a Button Panel
- Adding blank logging buttons to a Button Panel
- Adding markers using logging buttons
- Using a keyword or marker to add an event to a sequence
- Modifying Logging Tools and Button Panels
- Modifying logging buttons of the Button Panel
- Deleting logging buttons from a Button Panel
- Pinning logging buttons
- Changing Advanced Logging user preferences
- Viewing keywords and markers
- Viewing logging history of markers
- Importing keywords configuration
- Using the Assignment List
- The Assignment List tool
- Story status colors
- Changing ALP User Preferences
- Adding placeholders
- Modifying a placeholder
- Deleting a placeholder
- Adding a new sequence
- Checking missing clips
- Viewing placeholder properties
- Viewing and modifying metadata of placeholders
- Creating a new sequence in the EDIUS XS application
- Using the GV STRATUS application in a Newsroom Computer System
- Using the GV STRATUS application in Aurora Playout
- Integrating assets with traffic system and K2 Edge
- Configuring the GV STRATUS application
- Configuring User Preference
- Installing a GV STRATUS language pack
- Customizing the application workspace
- Troubleshooting the GV STRATUS application
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Specifications
- Trademarks and Agreements
- Glossary
- Advanced Logging
- Advanced Search
- Application Window
- Asset
- Asset List
- Asset type icon
- Assignment List
- Authorization Manager
- Bin
- Button Panel
- Channel Panel
- Channel Panel configuration
- Clip
- Composite panel
- Conform Engine
- Conform Server
- Control Point PC
- Control Tray
- Copy
- Crash Record
- Dashboard
- Details view
- Drop target
- EDIUS XRE Server
- Event (Playlist)
- Event (Scheduler)
- Feed Ingest
- Focus
- Folder
- FT server
- Gang
- Grass Valley system
- House Number
- Ingest Database
- Inspector
- K2Config
- K2 Media Server
- K2 Nearline SAN
- K2 SAN
- K2 Solo system
- K2 Summit SAN-attached system
- K2 Summit standalone system
- K2 Summit system
- K2 system
- Keyword
- Launch
- Lease
- License Management Database
- Log Panel
- Marker
- Media ID
- Navigator
- Panel
- Permissions
- Playback
- Playlist
- Playlist Editor
- Proxy Encoder
- Proxy server
- Proxy Storage
- Proxy Storage file system server
- Role
- Rules Engine Database
- Salvo
- Scheduler
- Scrub bar
- Section
- Segmentation
- Send Message
- Sequence
- Sequence Viewer
- Shortcut
- Show/Hide button
- Show/Hide tab
- Simple Search
- SiteConfig
- Source Viewer
- Storyboard Editor
- GV STRATUS Common server
- GV STRATUS Control Panel
- GV STRATUS Core server
- GV STRATUS Core Services
- GV STRATUS Database
- GV STRATUS Express server
- Subclip
- Tag
- Take control
- Tally indicator
- Thumbnails view
- Tiles view
- Transition
- View Mode
- Web Monitor
- WfPersistence Database
- Workflow Database
- Workflow Server
- Working Bin
- Workspace
- Xcode Control Engine
- Index