Grass Valley Lx0 RAID User Manual
Page 12
Lx0 RAID/Open SAN Instructions
September 23, 2008
Expand (restripe) existing media
With an expanded stripe group, newly recorded clips are striped across both new and
old disks and so take advantage of the increased bandwidth. However, existing clips
remain striped across the old disks only. While these clips still play out, they do so
without accessing the increased bandwidth. To allow the existing clips to use the
increased bandwidth, they must be expanded (copied) across all the disks in the stripe
group. To do this you use the Dynamic Disk Expansion tool, as explained in the
following procedure. The tool automatically makes a copy of each media file, deletes
the original file, then renames the copy the same as the original. You can run the
Dynamic Disk Expansion tool to expand your media in the background while your
normal media operations are underway.
To expand existing media across the entire stripe group, do the following:
1. Choose a Profile XP on the Open SAN on which to run the Dynamic Disk
Expansion tool.
2. Restart the Profile XP.
3. From the Profile XP, open the following:
The Dynamic Bandwidth Expansion tool opens.
4. Click
Config | View
. The Configuration dialog box opens.
5. For Reference time, enter the time and date that you reconfigured your Open SAN
for expanded bandwidth. The tool expands all media files created before this time.
Media files created after this time are not expanded.
Leave all other settings at their default values, as they have no bearing on the tasks
necessary for media expansion.
6. Click
to save settings and close.
7. Click the start button to begin expanding media. The tool displays a list of media
expansion tasks and begins processing them.
NOTE: Depending on the size of your Open SAN and the number of clips you have
recorded, it may take up to 20 minutes to scan the drives an build the task list. Do
not shut down the Dynamic Bandwidth Expansion tool if no tasks appear in the
window in the first few minutes.
View drive lights flashing across all disks in the stripe group to verify the
re-striping process. In the “%” column you can monitor the progress of each task.
As each task completes, it is purged from the list.
8. When all tasks complete, close the Dynamic Bandwidth Expansion tool.
9. To verify that Dynamic Bandwidth Expansion tool processed all your clips, open
Media Manager and check modified times. There should be no clip with a modified
time that is prior to the time that you reconfigured your Open SAN for expanded
bandwidth. To verify that a clip is correctly re-striped, play a clip and verify that
disk lights flash across both original and new disks.
10. Update other system elements as appropriate, as follows:
• Configure NetCentral to monitor added RAID devices.