Who is ensemble designs – Ensemble Designs BrightEye 5 Analog Composite TBC and Frame Sync User Manual
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Everything is made at our factory in
Nevada City, California.
Come on by and visit us.
Drop in for lunch and a tour!
Shipped with care to television broadcasters
and video facilities all over the world.
And consider our Avenue product line when
you need a modular system.
BrightEye — palm sized video and audio conversion,
HD up/down/cross conversion, scan conversion and
test signal generators with 3G, HD, SD, ASI, HDMI video,
audio and optical choices.
“Regardless of how quickly we need to take Mitto to air, it works famously every time. And it looks spectacular. When
we covered the blizzards last winter, all of our user-generated content submissions and Skype came through Mitto.”
~ John Schilberg, VP of Technology, Griffin Communications, KWTV, KOTV and KQCW
By Engineers, For Engineers
In 1989, a former television station engineer who loved designing
and building video equipment, decided to start a new company.
He relished the idea of taking an existing group of equipment
and adding a few special pieces in order to create an even more
elegant ensemble. So, he designed and built his first product and
the company was born.
Focused On What You Need
As the company has grown, more former TV station engineers have
joined Ensemble Designs and this wealth of practical
experience fuels the company’s innovation. Everyone at the
company is focused on providing the very equipment you need
to complete your ensemble of video and audio gear. We offer
those special pieces that tie everything together so that when
combined, the whole ensemble is exactly what you need.
Notably Great Service for You
We listen to you – just tell us what you need and we’ll do our best
to build it. We are completely focused on you and the equipment
you need. Being privately held means we don’t have to worry
about a big board of directors or anything else that might take
attention away from real business. And, you can be sure that
when you call a real person will answer the phone. We love this
business and we’re here to stay.
Bricks and Mortar of Your Facility
The bricks and mortar of a facility include pieces like
up/downconverters, audio embedders, video converters,
protection switches, routers and SPGs for SD, HD and 3Gb/s .
That’s what we’re focused on, that’s all we do – we make proven
and reliable signal processing and infrastructure gear for
video facilities worldwide, for you.
Who is Ensemble Designs?