Pyramid probes: used core inspection – Cascade Microtech Pyramid Probes User Manual

Page 6

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PN 153-691-2


Pyramid Probes: Used Core Inspection• 6

Middle Layer


Are there any cracks in the Middle Layer Polyimide that do not come to the surface?

This type of crack is acceptable unless it is

causing other damage to the membrane,

such as separation between the layers or

cracks through the entire membrane.

Stress Cracks

Are there any cracks in the surface layer of the membrane where it bends at the edge of the


These cracks are not in the metal. They

are in the polyimide.
Change the focus of the microscope to

confirm the cracks are in the polyimide.
If cracks also appear in the electrical

traces, refer to the appropriate criteria in

Electrical Traces

on page 5.



Were any particles created or formed below the membrane (poly2) surface during the

thinfilm fabrication process?

Internal encapsulated particles are acceptable as long as they pass all other specifications.

Polyimide may appear rough and discolored around the beams, component attachment pads, or any other

plated metal area forming part of the membrane surface:
• On the probe face, this is acceptable up to 200µm radius around the beams or other plated metal area

forming part of the membrane surface.

• On the wings and the interface area, this is acceptable in all areas.


Not acceptable. Membrane is

cracked and has some separation.


Cross section with internal

encapsulated particle


Pyramid Probes: Used Core Inspection