Pyramid probes: used core inspection – Cascade Microtech Pyramid Probes User Manual
Page 4

PN 153-691-2
Pyramid Probes: Used Core Inspection• 4
2. Inspect the core using the 5x objective.
Inspection Area
Probe Face
Are there any scratches on the probe face?
Note any scratches on the probe face.
Are any particle hits visible on the membrane?
An indentation in the membrane surface is not a failure. Use the criteria for damage to traces to determine
Are there any particles embedded in the membrane?
The following criteria describe unacceptable embedded particles:
• Large or deeply embedded particles that cause shorts between traces or layers
• Large embedded particles that cause open traces
• Tall, embedded particles that contact the wafer (maximum particle height is difficult to define; there are
many variables, such as probe tip height, overtravel, membrane design, surface flatness, etc.)
Is there any repeatable diagonal indentation in the membrane?
This is caused by a particle on the cleaning
Follow the pattern of indentations to verify
that a probe tip is not damaged.
Use the pass/fail criteria for scratches to
evaluate the indentations.
Are there any tears in the membrane at the corners of the probe face?
Tears on the probe face cannot be repaired.
Are there any tears along the edges of the wings?
• Fail if a signal is damaged electrically.
• Return for repair to prevent propagation of tears that do not include a signal trace.
Is there any adhesion loss noted on the probe face between the membrane and plunger
Adhesion loss causing the membrane to
bulge is unacceptable. Focus on the
membrane surface to verify the bulge is not
taller than the probe tips.
Adhesion loss appears near the corner of the membrane.
This is acceptable because there is no large bulge.
Pyramid Probes: Used Core Inspection