Archgard 60-1600I User Manual

Page 21

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Chalet 1600I



To test the effectiveness / tightness of your gasket, in-
sert a piece of paper between the door and insert body.
You shouldn’t be able to pull the paper out of the door

If the door gasket requires replacement a 3/4" diameter
high density rope gasket must be used. A proper high
temperature gasket adhesive is required. See your
Archgard Dealer.

NOTE: An improperly adjusted door seal can have a
significant effect of the performance and durability of
the fireplace. A poorly adjusted door can result in re-
duced efficiency, excessive wood consumption and pre-
mature insert failure.


The door latch may require adjustment as the door gas-
ket material compresses after a few fires. Turning the
door handle counter clockwise, will allow the latch to be
moved closer to the door frame, causing a tighter seal.
Do not over-tighten the gasket.
Before you can turn the handle to tighten it, you must
loosen a locking bolt. Loosen its locking nut, remove the
bolt, adjust the handle tension on the gasket and then
reinstall the bolt and locknut in place.

To test the effectiveness / tightness of your gasket, in-
sert a piece of paper between the door and insert body.
You shouldn’t be able to pull the paper out of the door.


The glass door in a modern wood burning insert isn't
glass at all, but a transparent ceramic material that
can withstand very high temperatures. It is unlikely
that the "glass" will break because of heat, but it
could be damaged if struck with a hard object. Do not
slam the insert door or impact the glass. When closing
the door, make sure that logs do not protrude against
the glass. If you need replacement glass, visit the
store where you bought your insert to get the right
size, shape and material. This ARCHGARD CHALET
1600I Wood Fireplace Insert is equipped with 5 mm
ceramic glass that will withstand the highest heat that
your unit will produce.

The door glass will need cleaning periodically - wait
until the appliance has cooled before cleaning. A
damp cloth or paper towel should remove any ash
dust or light brown stains. For darker, more stubborn
stains, buy special insert glass cleaner that will not
scratch the surface. Check the gasket around the
glass and replace it when it gets worn or leaky.

WARNING: Never clean this glass with an abrasive
cleaner. Use only a cleaner recommended as a
wood insert glass cleaner. Never clean the glass
while it is hot; a serious burn can result.

A portion of the combustion air entering the fire-
box is deflected down over the inside of the door glass.
This air flow “washes” the glass, helping to keep smoke
from adhering to its surface. In a controlled combustion
firebox, temperatures are not always high enough to
keep the glass perfectly clean. Less air will be flowing
over the glass and the smoky, relatively cool condition
of a low fire will cause the glass to become dark. Oper-
ating the stove with the Primary Air Control all the way
open for 15-20 minutes should remove this built up
coating. If the deposits on the glass are not very heavy,
normal glass cleaners should work well. Heavier de-
posits may be removed using wood insert glass
cleaner. Remember the drier the wood, the cleaner the