Archgard 60-1600I User Manual

Page 10

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Chalet 1600I


Installing Into a Masonry Fireplace

Inspect your fireplace for cracks, loose mortar or other
physical defects. If repairs are required, they should be
completed before installing your insert.
The Insert must be installed in accordance with local and or
national building codes. CHALET 1600I WOOD Fireplace
Insert is only certified with the use of a full liner. A full liner
provides the safest installation and optimizes draft condi-
tions and performance. When connected to a full liner, the
Insert is able to draft correctly and will help to prevent prob-
lems such as difficult start-ups and smoking out the door.

WARNING: Do not remove bricks and mortar from the ex-
isting fireplace. (Exception: Masonry or steel, including the
damper place, may be removed from the smoke shelf and
adjacent damper frame if necessary to accommodate a
chimney liner, provided that their removal will not weaken
the structure of the fireplace and chimney, and will not re-
duce protection for combustible materials to less than that
required by the National Building Code.)

Full Liner Installation
1) Install flex liner into existing chimney as per liner manu-

facturer’s specification.

2) Install the supplied flue adaptor kit to the end of the flex

liner. Drill two 7/16” diameter holes through the liner at
the height required. Remember to consider the length
of the crimp and the depth of the collar. Insert steel rod
through the 7/16” holes and secure with the washers
and nuts. Be sure NOT to over tighten the nuts as this
may distort the pipe.

3) Push the Insert into position, use the rear adjusting

legs to level the Insert.

4) To secure Flue Adaptor, remove the insert baffle plates

and air tubes. Insert the flue adaptor into the flue collar
opening and pull down hard to seat the adaptor. Hook
the top end of the curved steel bar over the crossbar
already in position. Slide the remaining bar with nut
welded to its center over the curved hanging steel bar
and thread on the remaining washer and nut. Tighten
the bottom nuts unit the adaptor is firmly in position. It
may be necessary to cut some length of the end of the
rod hanging into the firebox.

5) Seal off chimney top and liner with manufacture’s ter-

mination. Attach rain cap and install storm collar if de-

6) Reinstall bricks, air tubes and baffle plates to its correct


7) Finish by installing faceplate and door.

Installing Into a Factory Built Fireplace

CHALET 1600I WOOD Fireplace Insert may be installed
into a factory built zero clearance fireplace (size permit-
ting) with the following requirements. The factory built zero
clearance fireplace must be listed per UL127 or ULC S610

1) The fireplace must not be altered, except for the excep-

tion listed below. The permanent metal warning label
provided must be attached to the back of the fireplace,
stating that the fireplace may have been altered to ac-
commodate the insert, and must be returned to original
condition for use as a conventional fireplace. The fol-
lowing modifications of factory built fireplaces are per-
missible; removal of damper, removal of smoke shelf or
baffle, removal of ember catches, removal of fire grate,
removal of viewing screen/curtain, and removal of

2) The factory built chimney must be listed per UL 127

(US), or ULC S610 (CA) and meet type HT require-
ments of UL 103 (US). Factory built fireplace chimneys
tested to UL 127—1998, may be at the fireplace manu-
facturer’s option, tested to the same criteria as UL 103
HT requirements. If the chimney is not listed as meet-
ing HT requirements, or if the factory built fireplace was
tested prior to 1998, a full height listed chimney liner
must be installed from appliance flue collar to the chim-
ney top. The liner must meet type HT requirements
(2100°F) per UL 1777 (US). The liner must be securely
attached to the insert flue collar and the chimney top.
To prevent room air passage to the chimney cavity of
the fireplace, seal either the damper area around the
chimney liner with high temperature sealant of the fire-
place front with fiberglass batting.

Flue Adaptor Kit.

Full Flue Liner