Airlink AWLC011 User Manual
Page 16

• If you use 128 Bit key length with Hex format, you must enter 26
characters ranging from the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A
through F in any combination.
• If you use 128 Bit key length with ASCII format, you must enter
13 alphanumeric characters in any combination.
Note: When setting WEP keys for data encryption, all the wireless
clients and/or Access Points must use the same encryption key values.
For example, if you use Key 1 on your Cardbus and assigned a certain
value to it, then the same value must be assigned to Key 1 for all the
clients and/or Access Points in your wireless network.
Create with Passphrase: When you enter any alphanumeric values in
this field, the utility will automatically create four keys in Hex values
for you.
Note: After all the settings are completed, click Apply to save the