Upsite 10163 Modular Containment: Bi-Directional Doors User Manual
Bi-directional doors assembly instructions, Installation guide, Installation instructions

Bi-Directional Doors Assembly Instructions
Covers Part Number:
Installation Guide
The shipping carton contains the complete AisleLok
Bi-Directional Doors assembly, minimum additional
assembly may be required. Carton contains:
(1) LH Door Assemblies
(1) RH Door Assemblies
(2) Door Hanger Assemblies
Handle Doors With Care:
The AisleLok
Bi-Directional Doors are constructed using a strong polycarbonate clear plastic panel, but the door panels tend
to be very flexible when in the flat position. Avoid picking up the doors from the ends, as this can cause bowing, which could
damage the doors. Although quite large, try to carry the doors with the long edge up (like a suitcase).
The AisleLok
Bi-Directional Doors attach to the side of IT Server cabinets using rare earth magnets. Use extreme caution
when handling the powerful magnets. Make sure to keep fingers clear of the contact area between the case magnets and the
metal mounting surface.
The AisleLok
Bi-Directional Doors magnets must make direct contact with the side of the cabinet sheetmetal for maximum
holding force. Make sure the magnet attachment is not inhibited by any cables, cable openings, hardware, aluminum, etc.
The holding force is relational to the sheet metal thickness (gauge) and flatness and flexibility of the side panel. Thin and/or
flexible sheetmetal side panels may reduce the holding force of the magnets and compromise the attachment of the doors.
Installation Instructions:
Bi-Directional Doors
1. Preparation
The AisleLok
Bi-Directional Doors are designed to be installed right out
of the box without the need of tools. The AisleLok
Bi-Directional Door
Assembly consists of a left hand (LH) door and a right hand (RH) door.
The LH door identified by the AisleLok
logo on the top cross panel and
will have the hinge assembly on the left side. Use care when handling
the doors, refer to the door handling precautions above.