Tri Tool 308 Tube Squaring User Manual

Page 15

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Model 308, Tube Squaring Machine

92-0628 : Rev. 961122


Stainless, which work hardens, must be worked with a heavy enough feed to keep
the edge of the tool bit under the work hardened surface [.003” to .006”(.08 mm to
.15 mm) feed.] Never allow the tool bit to burnish the surface.

Reduce feeds and speeds will normally minimize chatter problems.

A good rule of thumb for calculation purposes is to produce a .0025” (.64 mm) thick
chip per revolution. Actual measurements will show a pseudo thickness of .006”
(.15 mm) unless a pin micrometer is used for measure.

One revolution of the feed knob will advance the cutting head .044”
(1.12 mm).