Tri Tool 308 Tube Squaring User Manual

Page 12

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92-0628 : Rev. 961122




Connect the drive motor to the proper power source.

Adjustment of the cutting speed.

Use the speed control to adjust the cutting speed.

Do NOT change the cutting speed range selector while the tool is running.

Refer to the cutting speeds section for the chart with the recommended
cutting speeds.

Rotate the feed knob clockwise to bring the cutting head and pipe closer together.


The actual machining operation begins when the tool bit contacts the tube
or pipe.

If the pipe end is not square to the pipe axis, the tool bit will contact only a small
segment of the pipe during each revolution.

To avoid cutting tool damage, the feed rate should be very slow until the tool bit is
contacting the pipe continually during at least one revolution.

Continue rotating the feed knob clockwise until the end of the pipe is completely

Be careful not to let the tool bit(s) cut into the collets or the collet adapter.

Discontinue feed and allow the cutting head to rotate one to three revolutions to
improve the finish of the prep surface.

Rotate the feed knob counter-clockwise to separate the cutting head and the pipe.