Tri Tool 306 Tube Squaring User Manual

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Model 306 Tube Squaring Machine

92-0746 Rev. 130415




The cutting edge of the Tool Bit(s) must be located on the radial centerline.

Do NOT install Tool Bit(s) backwards.

Tighten the Set Screws to secure the Tool Bit(s) to the Cutting Head.

Adjust the counterbore Tool Bit Radially to control counterbore diameter.

Adjust the Bevel Tool Bit radially to control counterbore depth to the bevel


Select the desired Saddle size for the pipe or tube to be worked on.

Insert the upper Saddle half into the machine and thread the Saddle Locking Screw

into the Saddle.

Raise the top Saddle using the Saddle Handle Assembly.

Insert the lower Saddle half and snap into place.

Place the pipe or tube into the Saddle.

Verify a clearance of 1/8” (3 mm) between the Tool Bit(s) and the pipe or tube face

as held by the saddle.

Tighten the Saddle using the Saddle Handle Assembly to secure the pipe or tube

once the proper clearance has been verified.

Be sure that there is a light film of grease on the Saddle Handle Assembly

threads at all times to prevent them from galling or freezing during use.

Connect electrical line to 110 VAC, 60 Hz.

Adjust the cutting speed.

Rotate the Feed Knob clockwise to bring the Cutting Head and pipe closer together.

The actual machining operation will begin when the Tool Bit contacts the tube

or pipe.

If the pipe end is not square to the pipe axis, the Tool Bit will contact only a small

segment of the pipe during each revolution.

To avoid Tool Bit damage, the feed rate should be very slow until the Tool Bit is

contacting the pipe continually during at least one revolution.