Snotrace, Cable testing report – Thermon KSR User Manual
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™ Cable Testing Report
1. Refer to Thermon KSR Installation Procedures, FORM CPD1030, for general installation procedures, requirements and guide-
2. Upon receiving heating cable, check the cable to make sure the proper type and output have been received. All cables are
printed on the outer jacket with part number, voltage rating and
watt output.
3. Visually inspect cable for any damage incurred during shipment.
The heating cable should be tested to ensure electrical integrity
with at least a 500 Vdc megohmmeter (megger) between the heat-
ing cable bus wires and the heating cable metallic braid.
IEEE 515.1 recommends that the test voltage for polymer
insulated heating cables be 2500 Vdc. Minimum resistance
should be 20 megohms. (Record 1 on Cable Testing Report.)
A. Connect the positive lead of the megger to the cable bus wires.
B. Connect the negative lead of the megger to the metallic braid.
C. Energize the megger and record the reading. Readings between 20 megohms and infinity are acceptable. Readings below
20 megohms may mean the electrical insulation has been damaged. Recheck the heating cable for physical damage between
the braid and the heating element; small cuts or scuffmarks on the outer jacket will not affect the megger reading unless
there was actual penetration through the braid and dielectric insulation jacket.
4. Once the installation is complete, but prior to concrete pour, recheck the heating cable with at least a 500 Vdc megohmme-
ter (megger) between the heating cable bus wires and the heating cable metallic braid. IEEE 515.1 recommends that the test
voltage for polymer insulated heating cables be 2500 Vdc. Minimum resistance should be 20 megohms. (Record 2 on Cable
Testing Report.)
5. While pouring and finishing the concrete, the cable should be monitored for resistance between the ground and bus wires using
a megger throughout installation. If the resistance test reading suddenly decreases, the heating cable has been damaged!
• Immediately stop the pour and find the damaged section.
• Repair the damaged section with a SMT-SK Splice Kit.
• Failure to repair a damaged heating cable section during the pour may result in the entire snow melt circuit becoming inop-
• Once the damaged section is repaired, megger the cable again and record the results. If the reading exceeds 20 meg-
ohms, proceed with the pour. If the reading is below 20 megohms, look for another damaged section.
• Failure to follow cable test instructions and record test readings may void system warranty.
After the concrete pour is completed, check resistance from bus wires to the metallic braid. Minimum resistance should be 20
megohms. (Record 3 on Cable Testing Report.)
6. The cable should not be energized for a minimum of 7 days after installation to ensure a complete slab cure. After the slab is
cured and power supply is completed, record the panel and circuit breaker information. Ensure all junction boxes, tempera-
ture controllers, cable glands, etc. are properly secured. Set the temperature controller (if applicable) to the manual setting
and apply rated voltage to the heat tracing circuit(s) for 10 minutes. Record the ambient temperature, measure and record the
circuit(s) voltage and current. (Record 4 on Cable Testing Report.)
NOTE: To ensure the heating cable warranty is maintained through installation, the testing outlined on
this sheet must be completed on the installed heating cables, and the test results recorded and
mailed/faxed to:
Thermon Customer Service
100 Thermon Drive
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Fax: 512-754-2420