Heetsheet, Vessel heating/cooling system – Thermon HeetSheet User Manual
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The following installation procedures are suggested guide-
lines for the installation of Thermon’s HeetSheet system.
They are not intended to preclude the use of other methods
and good engineering or field construction practices.
Receiving, Storing and Handling . . .
1. Inspect materials for damage incurred during shipping. Re-
port damages to the carrier for settlement.
2. Shipping cartons are marked on the outside with the pro-
duct description, sales order number and quantity. Com-
pare information on shipping carton with packing slip and
purchase order to verify receipt of correct shipment.
3. Product should be stored indoors away from standing wa-
ter; however, if outdoor storage is required, a protective
covering should be used. Moderate freezing temperatures
will not damage the product. Store panel at or above 10°C
for at least four hours prior to installation to permit heat
transfer compound to mold to irregularities in vessel.
4. Do not lift the HeetSheet by the inlet or outlet media con-
nections. Use caution not to disturb the factory-applied
heat transfer compound when handling panel.
Surface Preparation/Layout . . .
1. Surface area where the HeetSheet is to be installed must
be reasonably clean. Remove dirt, rust and scale with a
wire brush and oil or grease film with a suitable solvent.
Mill varnish and protective coatings may be removed with
a suitable stripper.
2. To provide maximum heat transfer efficiency, HeetSheets
are factory rolled to conform to the radius of the vessel.
Compare Illustration A to the HeetSheet panels received to
identify roll style configuration. This will determine the
banding placement required to permanently attach the
3. Locate panel(s) on the lower quadrant of the vessel. Typi-
cally panel should not extend above the vessel’s normal
minimal liquid level. Space panels evenly around circum-
ference of vertical vessels and along lower area of horizon-
tal vessels to avoid obstructions.
Panel Attachment . . .
1. Remove protective polyethylene film from back of panel.
The protective covering is utilized for shipping purposes
2. Temporarily attach panel to the vessel wall using one of the
following methods:
A. Attach 50 mm wide fibreglass reinforced or masking
tape along the edge of HeetSheet.
B. Wrap spring-loaded rope around the vessel.
C. Weld temporary support angles to the vessel wall
(metal vessels only).
Refer to Illustration B for temporary panel attachment.
Illustration A: Panel Roll Styles
Roll Style 2
Roll Style 1
Illustration B: Temporary Panel Attachment
3. Permanently secure HeetSheet to the vessel wall using
steel straps or stainless steel banding, crimp-type seals
and a banding attachment tool.
• Steel straps should be a minimum of 40 x 6 mm.
• Stainless steel banding should be a minimum 12 mm x
0.7 mm.*
• Stainless steel banding tool should exert a force of
4450 N or greater.*
* Stainless steel banding, crimp seals and attachment tool meeting the required
specifications are available from Thermon.
Method A:
Method B:
Method C:
Support Angles
Vessel Heating/Cooling System