10 – minidisc editing, Editing operations, Undo an edit operation – Teac MD-CD1 User Manual

Page 41: Erase track

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Owner’s Manual


10 – MiniDisc editing

Tracks recorded can be deleted, moved, divided or
combined by MiniDisc editing operation.

Editing operations

All MD editing functions are operated from the
EDIT sub-menu on the MD menu.

After selecting a menu option on the EDIT sub-
menu, subsequent operation will vary. Specific oper-
ations for each menu option are explained individu-
ally in the following section.


Editing functions cannot be performed on discs set to
prevent accidental erasure (write protected), and
“W_Protected!” will be displayed when accessing the
EDIT sub-menu of the MD menu.

Tracks and points for editing

For most editing menu options, if the deck is not in
play or in playback standby mode at the track or
point to be edited, the option itself cannot be

selected, and “Can’t Edit!” will be displayed. These
are options for editing functions to be performed on
tracks or points, including DIVIDE, COMBINE and
MOVE. The ERASE TRK option is called up before
the track has been selected.

Canceling edits

To cancel editing operations up to the point where
the setting screen or confirmation screen (“Sure?”)
appears, press the NO key, the MD STOP key, or the
MD MENU key (MENU key on the remote control).


After editing operations have been completed, with the
MD still inserted and “TOC” lit up on the display, if the
power is turned off, the revised U-TOC will not be writ-
ten on the disc, and the editing operation will not be
retained on the disc.

UNDO an edit operation

It is possible to cancel the most recently performed
editing operation.


Stop the MD deck.


Select the “UNDO?” option from the EDIT
sub-menu. Undo> *** is displayed, with ***
representing the last performed editing


Press the ENTER key (or the YES key) on
the front panel, or the ENT/YES key on the
remote control.

“Sure?” is displayed.


Press the ENTER key (or the YES key) on
the front panel, or the ENT/YES key on the
remote control.

The last editing operation performed will be

Erase track

Unwanted tracks can be erased one at a time

Example: To erase B in track number 2

Selecting a track to be erased by playback


1. The deck should be in play or in playback
standby on the track to be erased.


Select the “ERASE TRK?” option on the
EDIT sub-menu of the MD menu.

“Sure?” is displayed.


Press the ENTER key (or the YES key) on
the front panel, or the ENT/YES key on the
remote control.

After the track is erased, “Complete” is
shown on the display. 41 ページ 2004年11月5日 金曜日 午前7時35分