Electrical wiring and lift control warning – SVS COLUMN LIFT User Manual
Page 6

§ Remember to allow access to service the telescoping column and microprocessor control unit.
Closure Suggestions
§ You can attach your closure panel to the top of your plasma/LCD screen, to the top of the
telescoping column, or to the Closure Adapter Kit plate.
§ SVS recommends that for safety that the closure panel be "floating" and not bolted to the
plasma/LCD screen, telescoping column, or Closure Adapter Plate. This will prevent body parts
or objects from being pinched between the closure panel and cabinet when the lift closes. Velcro
style fasteners can be used to secure the closure panel.
§ The closure panel can be sloped to self-center and set into the cabinet top when lowered.
§ The opening width for your screen should be your screen width plus 2-inches. The opening
depth should be your screen depth plus your screen mount depth plus 8-inches. With the
Closure Adapter Kit Accessory the minimum opening should be 26-inches wide by 13 1/2-
inches deep. The Closure plate extends 5 1/8 - inches in front of the lift column. If your
combined screen and mount depth exceeds 5 1/8 - inches you will require an opening depth
more than 13 1/2-inches.
6. Electrical Wiring and Lift Control
DO NOT disconnect the telescoping column unit from the microprocessor control unit while
the telescoping column is at its end stops (fully extended or fully retracted).
Electrical Wiring
Step 1. Connect the 1.5 Meter two button control switch to the 7-pin plug to the port labeled "HS"
on the microprocessor control unit attached to the telescoping column.
Step 2. Supply power to the Lift. Connect the power cord from the microprocessor control unit to a
suitable 110 VAC outlet.
Step 3. The Column Lift is now controllable with the two-button control switch. Ensure that the
Column lift will open to it full height and retract to its closed position.
See Column Wiring Drawing in Section 9.
Lift Control
The Column Lift is normally controlled using the supplied two-button switch. Pressing the UP
arrow raises the lift and pressing the DOWN arrow lowers the lift.
If the Column lift was ordered with the option to connect it to an external controller. Connect the
white wire to the green wire to raise the lift. Connect the white wire to the black wire to lower the
lift. The maximum wiring length from the microprocessor control unit to the external control relay
or switch cannot exceed 6 foot. See the picture in Section 9 if you want to add the required wires to