Super Systems PGA3000 User Manual

Page 12

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SSi Manual 4549

Page 12 of 16

3-Gas Analyzer PGA3000

Revision Level E

compressed gas. Always start the flow of Nitrogen and regulate prior

to connecting to PGA3000 inlet.

O2 Cell Calibration – Menu Page 15

This page is used to
calibrate the oxygen

sensor. The oxygen

sensor is calibrated
using air (20.9% O


) as

the reference. If the
oxygen cell output is

outside of a 30% band

then the message


CELL! will

appear near the bottom
of the screen. When

calibrating the O


sensor, turn on the pump and calibrate using air span only.

Pressing the A key will begin the calibration process. A calibration complete page
will appear when calibration is finished.

Port Setup - Menu Page 21

This page is used to set the parameters for the RS 232 port on the DB-9
connector. The baud rates are set by entering a number from 0 to 7 baud

rates of 1200 to 38400 (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800,

and 38400). Entering a number 0 to 2 can change the RS 232 mode. 0 is
the dump/minute mode, 1 is Modbus, and 2 is terminal mode.

The default setup is:

19200 Baud rate, MODBUS

Set The Date and Time - Menu Page 22

This page is used to set the internal clock/calendar. Select a number that

you would like to change by using the B and C buttons. Then type in the
number and press A to enter this number. No changes will take place

until the seconds are set, which starts the clock under the new settings.

Numbers 1 through 12 change the month. The days of the week are
entered using 0 for Sunday and 6 for Saturday. Hours are entered in 24-

hour format, i.e. 8 for 8AM and 14 for 2PM.

Data Set Page - Menu Page 23

This page allows for the entry of data that the operator should not
normally access. At this time the only data value is the IR shim factor

used in calculation the % carbon. Normally this value should be 150.
However furnace conditions, measured by shim stock tests, may require

changing this value.