Booting smt338-vp – Sundance SMT338-VP User Manual

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Booting SMT338-VP

The booting of SMT338-VP requests two steps:

- Powering up board.

- Configuring FPGA with bitstream received from comport 3.

This is managed by MSP430.
The following diagram shows what the default micro-controller boot code does:




TIM Reset or nConfig

Start Key Received

FPGA Configured and

End Key Received

FPGA Configured

and End Key Received

Figure 1 - Micro controller State Machine.

The SMT338-VP is reset by the TIM global reset.

There is also a TIM CONFIG signal provided on the TIM connector J4 pin 74. This
provides a means of reprogramming the FPGA without having to drive the TIM Global
Reset signal. CONFIG falling will reset the SMT338-VP in the same way that a TIM
global Reset pulse will. Other modules in the system that are sensitive to the TIM
global Reset signal will not be affected by CONFIG.