Sdi inputs and sdi outputs – Studio Technologies 5150 V.3 User Manual

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Issue 1, June 2013

Model 5150 User Guide

Page 6

Studio Technologies, Inc.

Model 5150

Video Generator Module

The Model 5150 uses standard connectors
for fast, convenient interfacing. Coaxial
SDI input and output signals use BNC con-
nectors. An optional video SFP fiber optic
module can be installed at the factory. The
module supports interconnection of single-
mode optical fibers using LC plugs. The DC
power input and data bus connections use
a 4-position, 0.1-inch header. Low-cost IDC
(insulation-displacement connector) mating
sockets allow simple interconnection with a
variety of wire gauges. Four status LEDs
offer users both performance confidence
and troubleshooting assistance.

The Model 5150 is compatible with the
Studio Technologies’ Model 5190 Remote
Access Module. This will allow remote
monitoring and control, via an Ethernet
connection, of key module operating and
status parameters. A local RS-485 data bus
allows up to 16 of the 5100-Series modules
to be connected to a Model 5190.

Several switches are accessible during
installation and allow configuration of key
operating parameters. Updating the Model
5150’s firmware (embedded software) is
possible using a USB flash drive loaded
with personal-computer-compatible files.

Model 5150 Video Generator Modules do
not include a mounting enclosure or chas-
sis. They are intended for mounting in cus-
tom 19-inch rack panels, equipment boxes,
broadcast furniture, “NEMA” I/O boxes, or
other specialized enclosures. It is expected
that integration firms will create applications
that use Model 5150 modules as part of
complete broadcast, production, corporate,
and government solutions. Sophisticated
users will be able to easily create “one-off”
solutions to solve unique challenges.

SDI Inputs and SDI Outputs

High-definition SMPTE-compatible SDI sig-
nals with data rates of 1.485 Gb/s nominal
(HD-SDI) and 2.97 Gb/s nominal (3G-SDI)
can be connected. Virtually all of the com-
monly-utilized “720” and “1080” formats are
supported. Standard-definition SDI signals
with a data rate of 270 Mb/s nominal (SD-
SDI) are not supported. It was felt that
users looking for advanced solutions such
as provided by the Model 5150 will not typi-
cally be working with SD-SDI signals. But
be assured that many HD-SDI and 3G-SDI
formats and rates are supported, allowing
the Model 5150 to be appropriate for world-
wide use.

Coaxial (BNC) Support
Using standard BNC connectors, the Model
5150 supports one coaxial SDI input and
one coaxial SDI output.

Optical Fiber Support
Factory-implemented options allow the
Model 5150 to support SDI signals that
are transported using single-mode optical
fibers. Using video SFP modules a range
of optical input, output, and transceiver
capabilities can be supported. For a list
of available Model 5150 versions refer
to Appendix A.

The standard 1310 nanometer optical
transmit wavelength is available, as are the
more-esoteric CWDM wavelengths. When
a Model 5150 has been provided with an
optical SDI input from the factory a con-
figuration choice selects whether it, or the
coaxial (BNC) input, is active. A module that
includes an optical SDI output will always
have its optical output active, transporting
the same SDI data as that present on the
coaxial (BNC) output.