Function documentation - image capture functions, Parameters, Returns – Sensoray 2246 User Manual
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Function Documentation - Image capture functions
MID2246_API int SN_SetMergeMethod (MID2246_FIELDALG merge_method, mergefunc_t *
custom_alg, int board)
Set the interlaced field merging algorithm
merge_method is the method in mid2246const.h. If custom, specify function custom_alg
custom_alg is the custom merge algorithm. ( see above mergefunc_t description )
board ID if multiple boards installed.
0 on success
MID2246_API int SN_SnapshotToFile (char * szFilename, int filetype, int freezetime, int
wait, int qual, int CustMergeSize, int board)
Takes a snapshot and saves to file in filename
szFilename is the fully qualified file + path (without extension)
filetype is the file type to save( see mid2246const.h: MID2246_FILE_JPEG and/or
freezetime is the time, in milli-sec to freeze the image. (minimum value greater than the video
frame rate is required)
wait wait =1 will wait if operations pending(board locked), wait=0 returns error if board busy
qual Sets JPEG quality, (use 25-100, default 100).
CustMergeSize Size in bytes of the buffer sent to the custom image merge call back.
board ID if multiple boards installed.
number of bytes read (image size) or MID2246_SNAP_ERR_UNSPECIFIED -1
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_BUFSIZE -2 'Size' of buffer provided is too small for snapshot.
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_BIST -3 Built in self test failed. Hardware not ready.
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_SYNCH -4 Aquisition's synchronization loop timed out.
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_CRITSEC -5 Aquisition's critical section already locked, and user doesn't
want to wait for it. MID2246_SNAP_ERR_PARTBUF -6 Didn't recieve a full frame of data.
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_DVBUF -7 Failed to get current frame buffer from DV
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_DVGRAB -8 The DV frame grabber was not setup
MID2246_SNAP_ERR_USERERR -9 Error returned from user's merge function
MID2246_API int SN_SnapshotToFileW (LPWSTR pFile, int filetype, int freezetime, int wait,
int qual, int CustMergeSize, int board)
Unicode version of SN_SnapshotToFile. Takes a snapshot and saves to file.
pFile Full filename plus path and no extension in unicode (Windows WideChar)
filetype is the file type to save( see mid2246const.h: MID2246_FILE_JPEG and/or
freezetime is the time, in milli-sec to freeze the image. (minimum value greater than the video
frame rate is required)
wait wait =1 will wait if operations pending(board locked), wait=0 returns error if board busy
qual Sets JPEG quality, (use 25-100, default 100).
CustMergeSize Size in bytes of the buffer sent to the custom image merge call back.
board ID if multiple boards installed.