Parameters, Returns – Sensoray 2246 User Manual

Page 40

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In addition, the call back function must call IMediaEventEx->FreeEventParams(...) each time
it accesses the event via IMediaEventEx->GetEvent(...) to free allocated memory. (See the
example in DemoDlg.cpp)


hNotifyApp Handle of application to send notification message to.
mNotifyMessage message to send calling application when recording done

The WPARAM parameter of the called message is undefined.
The LPARAM parameter of the message will return a pointer to the IMediaEvent interface
that is connected to the file play graph.

board ID if multiple boards installed.



MID2246_API int SN_PlaybackSetRate (double drate, int board = 0)

Change playback rate


drate is a double specifying playback speed. 0.5 == half, 2.0 == double minimum speed is 0.5
board ID if multiple boards installed.


0 on success, -value otherwise

MID2246_API int SN_PlaybackSetSeekPosition (int percent, int range, int board = 0)

Seek to a position relative to the percent of total stream.


percent is an integer from 0(start) to range(end)
range defines the percentage granularity
board ID if multiple boards installed.


0 on success -1 otherwise

MID2246_API int SN_PlaybackGetSeekPosition (int range, int board = 0)

Retrieves current position (percent of total stream) in the playback stream


range defines the percentage granularity
board ID if multiple boards installed.


percent, an integer from 0(start) to range(end) or -1 on error

MID2246_API int SN_DisplaySnapshot (char * filename, int time, int board = 0)

Displays the snapshot in the video window


filename full filename plus path plus extension coded in UTF-8. (standard ASCII.)
time time to display snapshot, -1 is infinite
board ID if multiple boards installed.