Parameters, Returns – Sensoray 2246 User Manual
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MID2246_API int SN_SetDvi (MID2246_DVIRES res, BOOL bColorBars, int DviCropLeft, int
DviCropTop, int DviCropRight, int DviCropBottom, int board)
Set the DVI resolution and optional built-in colorbar test mode
res : Enumerated resolution (MID2246_DVIRES)
bColorBars,: Turn Colorbars on or off
DviCropLeft clip left of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
DviCropTop clip top of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
DviCropRight clip right of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
DviCropBottom clip bottom of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
board ID if multiple boards installed.
0 on success
MID2246_API int SN_SetMpegCrop (int MpegCropLeft, int MpegCropTop, int
MpegCropRight, int MpegCropBottom, int board)
Set the MPEG Hardware Cropping
MpegCropLeft clip left of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
MpegCropTop clip top of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
MpegCropRight clip right of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
MpegCropBottom clip bottom of scaled image by this value then stretch to fit.
board ID if multiple boards installed.
0 on success
MID2246_API int SN_SetMpegConfig (MPEG_CONFIG * pConfig, int board)
Sets the mpeg configuration parameters(see MPEG_CONFIG above).
pConfig pointer to MPEG_CONFIG structure
board ID if multiple boards installed.
0 on success, negative otherwise (see errors in mid2246const.h)
MID2246_API int SN_GetMpegConfig (MPEG_CONFIG * pConfig, int board)
Retrieves the current mpeg configuration parameters
pConfig pointer MIDSRAYSTATUS Status structure.
board ID if multiple boards installed.
0 on success, negative otherwise (see errors in mid2246const.h)
MID2246_API int SN_SetLevels (int param, unsigned char value, int board)
Set the brightness, contrast and saturation