Define mid2246_mergeapi int, Define max_path 260, Define mid2246_max_text 256 – Sensoray 2246 User Manual

Page 27: Parameters, Define mid2246_max_fontfile 256, Typedef documentation, Mid2246_api int sn_getnumboards (int * pboards), Returns, Define mid2246_mergeapi, Define max_path

background image

#define MID2246_MERGEAPI int

#define MAX_PATH 260

#define MID2246_MAX_TEXT 256

Overlay text structure



pointer to text


full name/path to font file


height of font in pixels


text color in RGB format, example RGB(255,255,255)


Background color, zero or less means transparent. (use small value eg.
RGB(0,0,1) for black)

#define MID2246_MAX_FONTFILE 256

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* mergefunc_t)(BYTE *merged, int size, BYTE *f0, int h0, BYTE *f1, int h1, int w,

int *pRetW, int *pRetH)

Defines a callback function prototype that is used set by SN_SetMergeMethod() If field
custom_alg is set, mergefunc_t defines a callbacks raw fields to allow the user to merge the
interlaced fields with a custom algorithm.


merged pointer to allocated data for merged field(s)
size size of merged data
f0 pointer to field 0 data
h0 height of field 0
f1 pointer to field 1(not necessary used)
h1 height of field 1
w width of fields in bytes(not pixels. 3 bytes per pixel)
pRetW pointer to image width (in Pixels). Modify this to a new value if the returned image width
is different. Initial value *pRetW = w/3
pRetH pointer to image height. Modify this to a new value if the returned image height is
different. Initial value *pRetH = h0 + h1

Function Documentation - Configuration and Setup functions

MID2246_API int SN_GetNumBoards (int * pBoards)

Gets the number of 2246 boards detected.


pBoards Number of 2246 boards detected if multiple boards are installed.


0 on success