Seaward PATGuard Elite Quick start User Manual

Page 2

background image

3. Use the drop downs and other

fields, in the Report window, to
restrict the range of data to be
included in the Report. Blank
fields or a selection will
widen the range of data to be
included in the Report.

4. Select OK to see a preview of

the report.

5. From here you can:

Print the current page

(Use right mouse button to edit printer settings)

Print all pages

See the User Manual for other options.


Closing the program
Any changes made to the database are saved automatically.

1. Select the close icon:

The next time the program is started, the last used database will be

Tip: To make the records more complete. On the tester, use the
Comments (if available) at the end of tests to record more information
from downloaded data.

Please see the User Manual section; PAT Options, for more details.

The PATGuard Elite 2 User Manual, available from the Start Menu,
contains a lot more information. Please refer to this to get the most
from your program.

352A567 Rev 2

Image may differ between reports