Remote Audio Meon LiFe User Manual
Remote audio

Rev 10/08/2012
220 Great Circle Road, Suite 114, Nashville, TN 37228-1737
Phone: 615.256.3513 | Fax: 615.259.2699
The MEON LiFe (internal Lithium-Iron-Phosphate [LiFePO
battery), is a self-contained power system that provides up
to 18 Amps* of 12 Volt DC and 20 Amp-hours of internal
Lithium-Iron-Phosphate battery backup to ten standard 4-pin
outlets all in a single, silent, 1-rackspace module weighing
less than 14 pounds. The chassis is constructed of durable
and lightweight powdercoated aluminum, and the removable
mounting ears can be adjusted and reversed to allow
mounting in a variety of configurations. An illuminated
voltmeter is included, and the MEON LiFe can connect to
Remote Audio's RM or RS accessories which enable remote
ON/OFF capability and battery monitoring. Two USB output
jacks are available at the front panel for charging or
powering standard 5VDC USB devices.
The MEON LiFe employs an illuminated single-button
ON/OFF system which requires the user to hold the button
for approximately 2 seconds. This helps prevent accidental
power cycling of the system. When the unit is receiving
90VAC-264VAC power, the power button glows GREEN,
and current is provided by a low-noise AC-DC power supply
able (up to 18A). When AC power is present, the internal
battery is bypassed from the outputs and charged via its own
dedicated, internal, 5A charger. When AC power is
unavailable or interrupted, the battery seamlessly takes
over. The power button then glows RED. When AC power is
restored, the AC-DC supply takes over again, the battery
resumes charging, and the power button glows GREEN
--conveying the origin of your power at all times.
Internal LiFePO4 Battery
The MEON LiFe’s Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LiFePO
batteries share a common property with all Li-Ion
technologies in that they are lower weight and smaller size
than equivalent capacities in other chemistries, such as
Lead Acid and NiMH. However, a key advantage of LiFePO
when compared to other Li-Ion types, is its superior thermal
and chemical stability. LiFePO
cells are virtually
temperatures without degrading in performance. LiFePO
also offers a longer calendar life and higher peak-power
rating than other Li-Ion designs, and it contains no toxic
heavy metals.
The MEON LiFe's internal battery is polyfuse-protected for a
maximum output of 14A, and is protected from over-charge
and over-discharge conditions.
Mounting the MEON LiFe
The MEON LiFe can be mounted in a number of ways:
In a standard 19-inch single rack space. The mounting ears
can be positioned so that connectors face inward or
outward. An ON/OFF button and “Charge Status” LED are
on both sides of the MEON LiFe, to facilitate front or back
mounting. The mounting tabs are also adjustable so that
the connectors can be recessed safely out of the way.
The mounting ears can be removed so that the MEON can
be placed on a horizontal surface such as a cart shelf.
Output Connectors
There are ten DC power outlets on the back of the MEON
LiFe, wired in the standard 4-pin XLR configuration of PIN
4+, PIN 1-. Each outlet has auto-resetting breakers to protect
against overload. Three of the outlets are heavy-duty
connectors, capable of supplying 9A each.