Remote Audio BDSv4 User Manual
Remote audio

The Remote Audio BDS (Battery Distribution
System) has been the standard power management
system in ENG audio bags for over a decade. Once
considered a luxury, the ability to power multiple
pieces of audio equipment with a single
rechargeable battery is now a necessity as
equipment demands become more complex. The
BDS system accommodates this need with a
reliable, convenient, and robust design. The BDSv4
adds refinements such as a built-in "low-battery"
indication with three user-selectable thresholds, and
an easily accessible "switched/unswitched" toggle.
All this functionality has been built into a package
smaller than the BDSv3 it replaces.
Remote Audio's BDS system consists of a reverse-
polarity protected and overload protected distribution
box with bi-color illuminated on/off switch, six
outlets, power source (typically a rechargeable
battery such as the NP-1), an input cable, and
output cables for the devices being powered. The
primary purpose of the BDS system is to
simultaneously turn on and off multiple pieces of
equipment being powered by a single source. For
this basic function, the BDSv4 may be used exactly
like the older BDS versions that it replaces. The
input and output connections are the same, so all
previous BDS input and output cables manufactured
by Remote Audio are compatible with the BDSv4.
Connectors and Cables
The outlet connectors on the BDS box are a special
switching type that requires a long-shaft mating plug
with a 2.5mm hole. This connector set was chosen
for its strength and so that unused (exposed) outlets
on the box are not active until a cable with the proper
mating connector is plugged into it, helping prevent
accidental short circuits. Output cables by Remote
Audio are manufactured specifically for use with the
BDS, and come with unique low-profile right angle
locking connectors. Therefore, it is recommended
that only Remote Audio brand output cables be used
with the BDS system. The polarity of the outlets is
"center positive". "Y" cables are available for
connecting more than six devices. Input cables,
battery adapters and AC-DC adapters by Remote
Audio are also available. The input connector on the
BDS box is a common TA4M (miniature 4-pin male
XLR) with the standard scheme of "pin-1 NEG, pin-4
POS". To improve reliability and reduce voltage drop,
the contacts are doubled 1-2 and 3-4 at the circuit
board. Therefore, if the user wires their own input
cables, it is recommended to connect pins 1-2 and 3-
4. The power indicator built into the BDS box switch
can be used to confirm proper polarity of the input
cable (if it illuminates, the polarity is correct).
Switched vs Unswitched Outlet
The indicated outlet can be either "switched" or
"unswitched." "Switched" means that the outlet turns
off and on when the main toggle switch is thrown.
"Unswitched" means that the outlet is always on
when power is present. The factory default for that
outlet is "unswitched." This feature is often desired
for the audio mixer. For example, in this
configuration, when only the mixer and boom mic are
needed, turning off the BDS box will turn everything
off (receivers, etc.) except for the mixer. This can be
a convenient way to turn off everything that is not
needed, extending the life of the battery. The status
of the outlet can be easily reversed to "switched" by
sliding the nearby switch using a toothpick or
jeweler's screwdriver. When using a metal tool to
change the switch position, make sure the BDS is
powered off to eliminate the possibility of short-
Rev. 02/01/2012
220 Great Circle Road, Suite 114, Nashville, TN 37228-1737
Phone: 615.256.3513 | Fax: 615.259.2699