Remko htl 400, Prior to operation – REMKO HTL 400 User Manual

Page 8

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After being checked for
fulfilment of the local regula-
tions as well as

a check by

authorised, expert personnel,
the forced air burner must be
checked and where appropri-
ate reset in terms of its exhaust
pollution standards.


Cycle operation of the forced
air burner of less than 5 mins.
should be avoided at all costs.


The hot air tubes may only be
used fully extended and with-
out kinks.



In the event of accumulated
heat, heating operation will
be continuously interrupted by
the STB!

The maximum air intake
temperature may not exceed
30 °C


With increased induction

temperature or resistance at

the device outlet, it is possible

that the forced air oil burner is

switched off briefly by the tem-

perature monitor (TW).

After reduction of the tempera-
ture the burner will fire up
again automatically!

In the case of cycle intervals

that are too short , the length

of the hot air ducting should be


To prevent heat

accumulation, sharp edged
bends should be avoided in the
hose guidance. Film hoses
must not be twisted

Air Induction
Using appropriate accessories and/
or connections, the device can be
operated in fresh air, blended air or
recycled air mode.
Induction may only be performed
using stable pipes or similar
suitable air ducting.

Air Diffusion

The device is fitted with a special
high performance radial fan which
is designed to selectively and
effectively transport the heated air
across long distances.
The diffusion of the air is best per-
formed using pipes or special hot
air or film tubes.

Use exclusively the hot air

tubes approved by us

Attention should be paid to the

flow direction of the tubes!
The internal overlaps on the
seams of the hot air tubes must
point in the direction of the air

Secure fastening of the tubes

and pipes at the exhaust and
any connection points used
must be observed

Only suitable air diffusers or

those approved by us may be

When heating closed rooms

using hoses, back pressure must
not be allowed to build up.

Before commissioning, the device
should be checked for noticeable
defects of the operating and safety
devices, as well as for proper set-
up and correct electrical

The following points must be
taken into consideration:

It must be assured that the

chimneys can be properly

The device must be

set up stably

An adequate supply of inlet air

for combustion must be assured

Check that there is no

physical restriction on air intake
and air emission.

Avoid excessively high or low

pressure in the operation

Assure and adequate supply

of fuel which also complies to
local requirements

Only use clean EL heating oil or

diesel fuel.
Do not use biodiesel!

It is essential that the suction

pipe at the base of the

tank is fitted with a foot-
operated valve.

A safety zone of 1.5 m around

the device must be observed,
also for non-flammable objects.

Prior to Operation