Port redundancy, Cascading hubs, Assigning an ip address – Digi MIL-4511H User Manual
Page 7

Install Guide
Model: MIL-4511H
Po r t R e d u n d a n cy
The port redundancy capability allows a workstation to be connected to two ports
in the stack. The LinkSentry feature shuts off out going link pulses on a port when
incoming link pulses stop. This allows the MIL-4511H to be used with a
redundant port transceiver (MIL-300X).
The SNMP agent knows when a port has been partitioned on any of the hubs in
the stack. Use Digi's private SNMP MIB to associate these two ports. When the
primary port is active, the secondary port is inactive. If primary fails, the
secondary port is activated until the fault on the primary port is corrected.
C a s c a d i n g H u b s
The MIL-4511H has two micro module bays in the rear of the unit. Use an MIL-
4320M, 10BASE2 thin coax module to cascade the hubs into one segment. Use
standard 10BASE2 cabling guidelines when connecting the hubs. A swap cable is
required when cascading using the front 10BASE-T ports only. When cascading
using the MIL-4310M, 10BASE-T micro module; use its four-position DIP switch
to select whether the cable can be used as either a swap- or straight-through cable.
A s s i g n i n g a n I P A dd r e s s
Every device on a TCP/IP network is identified by two addresses:
• The address is a 6-byte address assigned to the 4511H by the manufacturer.
• The IP address is a 4-byte address assigned by the system admin. Set this.
The MIL-4511H stores its IP address in its NVRAM (default:
When the address is, the 4511H uses RARP or BOOTP to acquire an address.
The following are ways to assign an IP address to the hub:
• Make a telnet connection via port 2002, or connect serially and set the IP
address manually.
• Use a RARP server to set the address each time the MIL-4511H powers up.
• Use BOOTP to set the address each time the MIL-4511H powers up. This is the
preferred method in larger networks as BOOTP can work through routers.
Neither telnet nor RARP work if the server is connected through a router on a different
subnet from the MIL-4511H. To assign an IP address, put the MIL-4511H on the same
subnet as the host, set-up an ARP entry with an IP address that is valid for that subnet,
telnet to the unit, and assign an appropriate IP address.