Interface overview, Modular service tool keys, Modular service tool sd 6 – Orion System Modular Service Tool SD User Manual

Page 6: Operator interfaces, Display screens & data entry keys, Mode selection buttons

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Modular Service Tool SD


Modular Service Tool Keys

Operator Interfaces

In order to confi gure and program the Orion System controllers, you
must have an Operator’s Interface or a personal computer with the Prism
2 computer front-end software installed. Three different Operator Inter-
faces are available for programming of the Orion Controls System—the
Modular Service Tool SD, the Modular System Manager (VCM-X and
VAV/Zone Controllers only), and/or the System Manager TS II. These
devices allow you to access the status and setpoints of the controllers on
your communications loop. This manual describes the Modular Service
Tool SD. If using the Modular System Manager or System Manager TS
II, please see the VCM-X / RNE Operator Interfaces Technical Guide
or the System Manager TS II Technical Guide. If using Prism 2, please
see the Prism 2 Technical Guide.

The Modular Service Tool allows you to view any input or output status
and change any setpoint to fi ne-tune the operations of the total system. All
keypad operations are simple and straightforward, utilizing non-cryptic
plain English messages.

Display Screens & Data Entry Keys

See the chart below for a list of the keypad descriptions and functions.



Key Function


Use this key to access the

Setup Screens.


Use this key to exit from screens or

from data entry or to return to the

Main Screen from any screen in the



Use this key to enter a new value.


If a data entry mistake is made,

press this key to clear the data entry

fi eld and start over. This key also

turns off the power to the Service

Tool when on the

Main Screen


If a setpoint with a negative value

is required, press this key for the

minus sign.


Press this key when entering data

that requires a decimal point.


Use these keys to change values

in the Confi guration screens as


Use these keys to step backward or

forward through the screens.

Mode Selection Buttons

The Modular Service Tool is provided with “Mode Selection Buttons.”
These buttons give you instant access to the specifi c mode desired without
having to scroll through several menu screens to get there.



Mode Selection Buttons


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller

“Status” screens.


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller

“Setpoints” screens.


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller

“Schedules” screens.


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller “Over-

rides” screen. See the “Override

Button” section on page 9 for a

description of this function.

See Note 1 below.


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller

“Alarms” screen. See the “Alarms

Button” section on page 9 for a

description of this function.


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller

“Confi guration” screens.


Pressing this button takes you

directly to the controller

“Balance-Test” screens.


(1) The Modular Service Tool will only search the Over-
rides one loop at a time. You must enter the Loop number
and the MiniLink PD unit ID (60).

Table 1: Keypad Descriptions

Table 2: Button Descriptions

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