ONICON F-3100 MOD User Manual
Page 6
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F-3100-MOD Flow Meter Network Interface Installation Guide 05/14 - 0725-1
Page 6
The F-3100 transmitter is equipped with a 2-line by 16-character LCD with 0.2” high characters.
Three pushbutton switches located inside the transmitter enclosure are used to change the data
that is displayed and to program the meter functions. To access the pushbuttons, loosen the 4
cover screws and open the cover as shown below.
Momentarily press the UP (top) button to view alarm
Momentarily press the RIGHT (middle) button to advance
to the next menu page.
The ENTER (bottom) button is used in programming.
In the program mode the function of each pushbutton switch changes depending on how long the
switch is pressed. Briefly pressing the switch causes one action while pressing the same switch
for a longer duration causes the reverse of that action. Each program mode switch function is
detailed below.
Up Arrow:
When in the main menu, a brief press selects the previous option, and a long press selects the
next option. In all other program levels, a brief press increments the number or selects the next
option, and a long press decrements the number or selects the previous option.
Right Arrow:
When in the main menu, a brief press selects the next option, and a long press selects the
previous option. In all other program levels, a brief press moves the cursor to the right or selects
the previous option, and a long press moves the cursor to the left or selects the next option.
When in the main menu, a brief press enters the selected sub-menu, and a long press exits the
program mode. Within the sub-menus, a brief press enters or leaves the selected function. It also
cancels the selected function in progress. A long press enables the “EXECUTE” prompt in certain
functions such as reset total. A long press also accepts the change and exits the function.