Afe, mini, and octo start-up procedures – Nortec AIRFOG Series User Manual
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26 | AirFog Installation Manual
AFE, Mini, and Octo Start-up Procedures
The operator must make reference to Figure 1: Typical Nozzle Layout when following these
instructions. Prior to startup, ensure the following:
All components have been visually checked for proper connections.
All supply and feed lines have been cleaned.
The on/off valve of the primary water pressure control section is OFF.
Water at 25 psig pressure from the main supply is ON.
The on/off valve of the primary air pressure control section is OFF.
The air compressor is running and providing a minimum of 90 psig.
The control panel switch is OFF.
The 24 VAC transformer is plugged into a 110 VAC source and the green control panel power
indicator light is illuminated.
The humidistat is set at 100% relative humidity. (For startup & testing purposes only).
Adjust to desired setpoint after unit operation has been confirmed.
Compressed Air Supply
The clean out valves on the ends of the supply pipes must be closed.
The on/off valve of the primary air pressure control section is opened to the ON position. The
handle should be in line with the pipe (as opposed to 90 degrees to it).
The control panel switch is turned to the ON position.
Adjust the air pressure regulator in the control panel to about 70 psig to obtain maximum water
throughput for each nozzle for this startup test.
There should an audible hissing sound as the compressed air works its way through the piping
to the nozzles. If this is not detected and air cannot be felt by hand directly in front of the nozzle
orifice, then air is not being provided to the system. Check the compressed air line back to the
compressor for other valves that may not be open.
The air pressure regulator knob in the primary air pressure control section is to be adjusted until
its gauge indicates 90 psig.
Most significant air pressure leaks can be detected by sensing the air flow with the hand or by
spraying on soapy water to observe the growth of bubbles around the leak. If an AFE nozzle is
sucking some air rather than 100% water through the water pipes, the nozzles will sputter/spit
and behave irregularly as opposed to a steady production of uniform mist. A thorough survey
should be conducted to identify and fix leaking joints.
Water Supply
The clean out valves on the ends of the water supply pipes must be closed.