Overview of the rinex utility, Figure 1: navcom rinex utility – NavCom Rinex Utility Rev C User Manual

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RINEX Utility – Rev C


Overview of the RINEX Utility

The RINEX Utility converts NCT (NavCom Technology) binary raw data (0xB0, 0xB1, 0x44,
MEAS1B, PVT1B, and ALM1B messages) to RINEX v2.1 format. Converting NCT raw data to
RINEX provides a means to post-process the raw data when third party software packages do
not support the NCT Binary format, but do possess the ability to import RINEX Standard
measurement data.


Most post-processing programs require a minimum of 60 minutes of data to
process and almanac and ephemeris data at the beginning of the file.

Figure 1: NavCom RINEX Utility

The NCT RINEX Utility GUI is divided into four major areas:


File I/O


User Input




Execution and Progress